2019 Asi@Connect Workshop (Indonesia)

페이지 정보

Writer : administrator 작성일2019-09-16 View1,015



Please find education-workshop section for all available materials. (http://nmportal.org/workshop.php)   

2019 Asi@Connect Workshop, supported by Asi@Connect will be held at Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo, Yogtakarta, Indonesia from September 6 to September 7, 2019.


The main purpose of the workshop is to provide deep insight of nuclear medicine into the latest development in the field and to educate next-generation and nuclear medicine scientists taking advantage of the connected infra structure of research/education networks.

The workshop aims to update nuclear medicine and molecular theranostics from basic to advance appliation. This two-day workshop consists of Medical session and Radiopharmacist, Technologist/Physicist session.

The schedule is as follows:

When: September 6-7, 2019

Where: Hotel Royal Ambarrukmo Yogtakarta, Indonesia 

Organizer: Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Theranostics (ISNMMT)

                     Indonesian Society of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (ISNMB)

○ Program Information: (Please find attachment)   


All educational materials will be uploaded on our temporal portal website.



Should you have further inquiry, please email (sangeun0810@snu.ac.kr) or call (82-2-2072-3341)
